Uses of Package
Packages that use nl.harm27.obswebsocket.sender Package Description nl.harm27.obswebsocket nl.harm27.obswebsocket.sender -
Classes in nl.harm27.obswebsocket.sender used by nl.harm27.obswebsocket Class Description GeneralRequestSender The RequestSender for the requests that are part of the General category.RecordingRequestSender The RequestSender for the requests that are part of the Recording category.ReplayBufferRequestSender The RequestSender for the requests that are part of the Replay Buffer category.ScenesRequestSender The RequestSender for the requests that are part of the Scenes category.StreamingRequestSender The RequestSender for the requests that are part of the Streaming category. -
Classes in nl.harm27.obswebsocket.sender used by nl.harm27.obswebsocket.sender Class Description GeneralRequestSender The RequestSender for the requests that are part of the General category.RecordingRequestSender The RequestSender for the requests that are part of the Recording category.ReplayBufferRequestSender The RequestSender for the requests that are part of the Replay Buffer category.RequestSender ScenesRequestSender The RequestSender for the requests that are part of the Scenes category.StreamingRequestSender The RequestSender for the requests that are part of the Streaming category.