All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AddFilterToSource |
Add a new filter to a source.
AddFilterToSource.Builder |
AddFilterToSource.Request |
AddFilterToSource.Response |
AddSceneItem |
Creates a scene item in a scene.
AddSceneItem.Builder |
AddSceneItem.Request |
AddSceneItem.Response |
Authenticate |
Attempt to authenticate the client to the server.
Authenticate.Builder |
Authenticate.Request |
Authenticate.Response |
AuthenticationHandler |
AuthenticationResult |
BaseBuilder |
Builders helps creating new requests.
BaseEvent |
Events are broadcast by the server to each connected client when a recognized action occurs within OBS.
BaseRequest |
Requests that are sent by the client.
BaseResponse |
Once a request is sent, the server will return a response.
BaseResponseDeserializer |
BroadcastCustomMessage |
A custom broadcast message, sent by the server, requested by one of the websocket clients.
BroadcastCustomMessage |
Broadcast custom message to all connected WebSocket clients
BroadcastCustomMessage.Builder |
BroadcastCustomMessage.Request |
BroadcastCustomMessage.Response |
CreateScene |
Create a new scene scene.
CreateScene.Builder |
CreateScene.Request |
CreateScene.Response |
CreateSource |
Create a source and add it as a sceneitem to a scene.
CreateSource.Builder |
CreateSource.Request |
CreateSource.Response |
DeleteSceneItem |
Deletes a scene item.
DeleteSceneItem.Builder |
DeleteSceneItem.Request |
DeleteSceneItem.Response |
DisableStudioMode |
Disables Studio Mode.
DisableStudioMode.Builder |
DisableStudioMode.Request |
DisableStudioMode.Response |
DuplicateSceneItem |
Duplicates a scene item.
DuplicateSceneItem.Builder |
DuplicateSceneItem.Request |
DuplicateSceneItem.Response |
EnableStudioMode |
Enables Studio Mode.
EnableStudioMode.Builder |
EnableStudioMode.Request |
EnableStudioMode.Response |
EventListener |
EventType |
Enum constants for names of the event types.
ExecuteBatch |
Executes a list of requests sequentially (one-by-one on the same thread).
ExecuteBatch.Builder |
ExecuteBatch.Request |
ExecuteBatch.Response |
Exiting |
OBS is exiting.
GeneralEventListener |
The EventListener for the events that are part of the General category.
GeneralRequestSender |
GetAudioActive |
Get the audio's active status of a specified source.
GetAudioActive.Builder |
GetAudioActive.Request |
GetAudioActive.Response |
GetAudioMonitorType |
Get the audio monitoring type of the specified source.
GetAudioMonitorType.Builder |
GetAudioMonitorType.Request |
GetAudioMonitorType.Response |
GetAudioTracks |
Gets whether an audio track is active for a source.
GetAudioTracks.Builder |
GetAudioTracks.Request |
GetAudioTracks.Response |
GetAuthRequired |
Tells the client if authentication is required.
GetAuthRequired.Builder |
GetAuthRequired.Request |
GetAuthRequired.Response |
GetBrowserSourceProperties |
GetBrowserSourceProperties.Builder |
GetBrowserSourceProperties.Request |
GetBrowserSourceProperties.Response |
GetCurrentProfile |
Get the name of the current profile.
GetCurrentProfile.Builder |
GetCurrentProfile.Request |
GetCurrentProfile.Response |
GetCurrentScene |
Get the current scene's name and source items.
GetCurrentScene.Builder |
GetCurrentScene.Request |
GetCurrentScene.Response |
GetCurrentSceneCollection |
Get the name of the current scene collection.
GetCurrentSceneCollection.Builder |
GetCurrentSceneCollection.Request |
GetCurrentSceneCollection.Response |
GetCurrentTransition |
Get the name of the currently selected transition in the frontend's dropdown menu.
GetCurrentTransition.Builder |
GetCurrentTransition.Request |
GetCurrentTransition.Response |
GetFilenameFormatting |
Get the filename formatting string
GetFilenameFormatting.Builder |
GetFilenameFormatting.Request |
GetFilenameFormatting.Response |
GetMediaDuration |
Get the length of media in milliseconds.
GetMediaDuration.Builder |
GetMediaDuration.Request |
GetMediaDuration.Response |
GetMediaSourcesList |
List the media state of all media sources (vlc and media source)
GetMediaSourcesList.Builder |
GetMediaSourcesList.Request |
GetMediaSourcesList.Response |
GetMediaState |
Get the current playing state of a media source.
GetMediaState.Builder |
GetMediaState.Request |
GetMediaState.Response |
GetMediaTime |
Get the current timestamp of media in milliseconds.
GetMediaTime.Builder |
GetMediaTime.Request |
GetMediaTime.Response |
GetMute |
Get the mute status of a specified source.
GetMute.Builder |
GetMute.Request |
GetMute.Response |
GetOutputInfo |
Get information about a single output
GetOutputInfo.Builder |
GetOutputInfo.Request |
GetOutputInfo.Response |
GetPreviewScene |
Get the name of the currently previewed scene and its list of sources.
GetPreviewScene.Builder |
GetPreviewScene.Request |
GetPreviewScene.Response |
GetRecordingFolder |
Get the path of the current recording folder.
GetRecordingFolder.Builder |
GetRecordingFolder.Request |
GetRecordingFolder.Response |
GetRecordingStatus |
Get current recording status.
GetRecordingStatus.Builder |
GetRecordingStatus.Request |
GetRecordingStatus.Response |
GetReplayBufferStatus |
Get the status of the OBS replay buffer.
GetReplayBufferStatus.Builder |
GetReplayBufferStatus.Request |
GetReplayBufferStatus.Response |
GetSceneItemList |
Get a list of all scene items in a scene.
GetSceneItemList.Builder |
GetSceneItemList.Request |
GetSceneItemList.Response |
GetSceneItemProperties |
Gets the scene specific properties of the specified source item.
GetSceneItemProperties.Builder |
GetSceneItemProperties.Request |
GetSceneItemProperties.Response |
GetSceneList |
Get a list of scenes in the currently active profile.
GetSceneList.Builder |
GetSceneList.Request |
GetSceneList.Response |
GetSceneTransitionOverride |
Get the current scene transition override.
GetSceneTransitionOverride.Builder |
GetSceneTransitionOverride.Request |
GetSceneTransitionOverride.Response |
GetSourceActive |
Get the source's active status of a specified source (if it is showing in the final mix).
GetSourceActive.Builder |
GetSourceActive.Request |
GetSourceActive.Response |
GetSourceDefaultSettings |
Get the default settings for a given source type.
GetSourceDefaultSettings.Builder |
GetSourceDefaultSettings.Request |
GetSourceDefaultSettings.Response |
GetSourceFilterInfo |
List filters applied to a source
GetSourceFilterInfo.Builder |
GetSourceFilterInfo.Request |
GetSourceFilterInfo.Response |
GetSourceFilters |
List filters applied to a source
GetSourceFilters.Builder |
GetSourceFilters.Request |
GetSourceFilters.Response |
GetSourceSettings |
Get settings of the specified source
GetSourceSettings.Builder |
GetSourceSettings.Request |
GetSourceSettings.Response |
GetSourcesList |
List all sources available in the running OBS instance
GetSourcesList.Builder |
GetSourcesList.Request |
GetSourcesList.Response |
GetSourceTypesList |
Get a list of all available sources types
GetSourceTypesList.Builder |
GetSourceTypesList.Request |
GetSourceTypesList.Response |
GetSpecialSources |
Get configured special sources like Desktop Audio and Mic/Aux sources.
GetSpecialSources.Builder |
GetSpecialSources.Request |
GetSpecialSources.Response |
GetStats |
Get OBS stats (almost the same info as provided in OBS' stats window)
GetStats.Builder |
GetStats.Request |
GetStats.Response |
GetStreamingStatus |
Get current streaming and recording status.
GetStreamingStatus.Builder |
GetStreamingStatus.Request |
GetStreamingStatus.Response |
GetStreamSettings |
Get the current streaming server settings.
GetStreamSettings.Builder |
GetStreamSettings.Request |
GetStreamSettings.Response |
GetStudioModeStatus |
Indicates if Studio Mode is currently enabled.
GetStudioModeStatus.Builder |
GetStudioModeStatus.Request |
GetStudioModeStatus.Response |
GetSyncOffset |
Get the audio sync offset of a specified source.
GetSyncOffset.Builder |
GetSyncOffset.Request |
GetSyncOffset.Response |
GetTextFreetype2Properties |
Get the current properties of a Text Freetype 2 source.
GetTextFreetype2Properties.Builder |
GetTextFreetype2Properties.Request |
GetTextFreetype2Properties.Response |
GetTextGDIPlusProperties |
Get the current properties of a Text GDI Plus source.
GetTextGDIPlusProperties.Builder |
GetTextGDIPlusProperties.Request |
GetTextGDIPlusProperties.Response |
GetTransitionDuration |
Get the duration of the currently selected transition if supported.
GetTransitionDuration.Builder |
GetTransitionDuration.Request |
GetTransitionDuration.Response |
GetTransitionList |
List of all transitions available in the frontend's dropdown menu.
GetTransitionList.Builder |
GetTransitionList.Request |
GetTransitionList.Response |
GetTransitionPosition |
Get the position of the current transition.
GetTransitionPosition.Builder |
GetTransitionPosition.Request |
GetTransitionPosition.Response |
GetTransitionSettings |
Get the current settings of a transition
GetTransitionSettings.Builder |
GetTransitionSettings.Request |
GetTransitionSettings.Response |
GetVersion |
Returns the latest version of the plugin and the API.
GetVersion.Builder |
GetVersion.Request |
GetVersion.Response |
GetVideoInfo |
Get basic OBS video information
GetVideoInfo.Builder |
GetVideoInfo.Request |
GetVideoInfo.Response |
GetVirtualCamStatus |
Get current virtual cam status.
GetVirtualCamStatus.Builder |
GetVirtualCamStatus.Request |
GetVirtualCamStatus.Response |
GetVolume |
Get the volume of the specified source.
GetVolume.Builder |
GetVolume.Request |
GetVolume.Response |
Heartbeat |
Emitted every 2 seconds after enabling it by calling SetHeartbeat.
InvalidMethodException |
ListenerRegistry |
ListOutputs |
List existing outputs
ListOutputs.Builder |
ListOutputs.Request |
ListOutputs.Response |
ListProfiles |
Get a list of available profiles.
ListProfiles.Builder |
ListProfiles.Request |
ListProfiles.Response |
ListSceneCollections |
List available scene collections
ListSceneCollections.Builder |
ListSceneCollections.Request |
ListSceneCollections.Response |
MediaControlRequestSender |
MediaEnded |
Note: These events are emitted by the OBS sources themselves.
MediaEventListener |
The EventListener for the events that are part of the Media category.
MediaNext |
Note: This event is only emitted when something actively controls the media/VLC source.
MediaPaused |
Note: This event is only emitted when something actively controls the media/VLC source.
MediaPlaying |
Note: This event is only emitted when something actively controls the media/VLC source.
MediaPrevious |
Note: This event is only emitted when something actively controls the media/VLC source.
MediaRestarted |
Note: This event is only emitted when something actively controls the media/VLC source.
MediaStarted |
Note: These events are emitted by the OBS sources themselves.
MediaState |
The media state of the provided source.
MediaStopped |
Note: This event is only emitted when something actively controls the media/VLC source.
MessageReceiver |
MessageSender |
MonitorType |
The monitor type in use.
MovementType |
How to move the filter around in the source's filter chain.
MoveSourceFilter |
Move a filter in the chain (relative positioning)
MoveSourceFilter.Builder |
MoveSourceFilter.Request |
MoveSourceFilter.Response |
NextMedia |
Skip to the next media item in the playlist.
NextMedia.Builder |
NextMedia.Request |
NextMedia.Response |
OBSStats |
OBSWebSocket |
OBSWebSocket.Builder |
OBSWebSocketClient |
OBSWebSocketListener |
OpenProjector |
Open a projector window or create a projector on a monitor.
OpenProjector.Builder |
OpenProjector.Request |
OpenProjector.Response |
OtherEventListener |
The EventListener for the events that are part of the Other category.
Output |
OutputsRequestSender |
PauseRecording |
Pause the current recording.
PauseRecording.Builder |
PauseRecording.Request |
PauseRecording.Response |
PlayPauseMedia |
Pause or play a media source.
PlayPauseMedia.Builder |
PlayPauseMedia.Request |
PlayPauseMedia.Response |
PreviewSceneChanged |
The selected preview scene has changed (only available in Studio Mode).
PreviousMedia |
Go to the previous media item in the playlist.
PreviousMedia.Builder |
PreviousMedia.Request |
PreviousMedia.Response |
ProfileChanged |
Triggered when switching to another profile or when renaming the current profile.
ProfileListChanged |
Triggered when a profile is created, added, renamed, or removed.
ProfilesEventListener |
The EventListener for the events that are part of the Profiles category.
ProfilesRequestSender |
ProjectorType |
Type of projector: `Preview` (default), `Source`, `Scene`, `StudioProgram`, or `Multiview` (case insensitive).
RecordingEventListener |
The EventListener for the events that are part of the Recording category.
RecordingPaused |
Current recording paused
RecordingRequestSender |
RecordingResumed |
Current recording resumed
RecordingStarted |
Recording started successfully.
RecordingStarting |
Note: `recordingFilename` is not provided in this event because this information
is not available at the time this event is emitted.
RecordingStopped |
Recording stopped successfully.
RecordingStopping |
A request to stop recording has been issued.
RefreshBrowserSource |
Refreshes the specified browser source.
RefreshBrowserSource.Builder |
RefreshBrowserSource.Request |
RefreshBrowserSource.Response |
ReleaseTBar |
Release the T-Bar (like a user releasing their mouse button after moving it).
ReleaseTBar.Builder |
ReleaseTBar.Request |
ReleaseTBar.Response |
RemoveFilterFromSource |
Remove a filter from a source
RemoveFilterFromSource.Builder |
RemoveFilterFromSource.Request |
RemoveFilterFromSource.Response |
RemoveSceneTransitionOverride |
Remove any transition override on a scene.
RemoveSceneTransitionOverride.Builder |
RemoveSceneTransitionOverride.Request |
RemoveSceneTransitionOverride.Response |
ReorderSceneItems |
Changes the order of scene items in the requested scene.
ReorderSceneItems.Builder |
ReorderSceneItems.Request |
ReorderSceneItems.Response |
ReorderSourceFilter |
Move a filter in the chain (absolute index positioning)
ReorderSourceFilter.Builder |
ReorderSourceFilter.Request |
ReorderSourceFilter.Response |
ReplayBufferEventListener |
The EventListener for the events that are part of the Replay buffer category.
ReplayBufferRequestSender |
ReplayStarted |
Replay Buffer started successfully
ReplayStarting |
A request to start the replay buffer has been issued.
ReplayStopped |
Replay Buffer stopped successfully
ReplayStopping |
A request to stop the replay buffer has been issued.
RequestSender |
RequestSenderManager |
RequestType |
Enum constants for names of the request types.
ResetSceneItem |
Reset a scene item.
ResetSceneItem.Builder |
ResetSceneItem.Request |
ResetSceneItem.Response |
RestartMedia |
Restart a media source.
RestartMedia.Builder |
RestartMedia.Request |
RestartMedia.Response |
ResumeRecording |
Resume/unpause the current recording (if paused).
ResumeRecording.Builder |
ResumeRecording.Request |
ResumeRecording.Response |
SaveReplayBuffer |
Flush and save the contents of the Replay Buffer to disk.
SaveReplayBuffer.Builder |
SaveReplayBuffer.Request |
SaveReplayBuffer.Response |
SaveStreamSettings |
Save the current streaming server settings to disk.
SaveStreamSettings.Builder |
SaveStreamSettings.Request |
SaveStreamSettings.Response |
Scene |
SceneCollectionChanged |
Triggered when switching to another scene collection or when renaming the current scene collection.
SceneCollectionListChanged |
Triggered when a scene collection is created, added, renamed, or removed.
SceneCollectionsRequestSender |
SceneItem |
An OBS Scene Item.
SceneItemAdded |
A scene item has been added to a scene.
SceneItemDeselected |
A scene item is deselected.
SceneItemLockChanged |
A scene item's locked status has been toggled.
SceneItemRemoved |
A scene item has been removed from a scene.
SceneItemSelected |
A scene item is selected.
SceneItemsEventListener |
The EventListener for the events that are part of the Scene items category.
SceneItemsRequestSender |
SceneItemTransform |
SceneItemTransformChanged |
A scene item's transform has been changed.
SceneItemVisibilityChanged |
A scene item's visibility has been toggled.
ScenesChanged |
Note: This event is not fired when the scenes are reordered.
ScenesCollection |
ScenesEventListener |
The EventListener for the events that are part of the Scenes category.
ScenesRequestSender |
ScrubMedia |
Scrub media using a supplied offset.
ScrubMedia.Builder |
ScrubMedia.Request |
ScrubMedia.Response |
SendCaptions |
Send the provided text as embedded CEA-608 caption data.
SendCaptions.Builder |
SendCaptions.Request |
SendCaptions.Response |
SendingException |
SetAudioMonitorType |
Set the audio monitoring type of the specified source.
SetAudioMonitorType.Builder |
SetAudioMonitorType.Request |
SetAudioMonitorType.Response |
SetAudioTracks |
Changes whether an audio track is active for a source.
SetAudioTracks.Builder |
SetAudioTracks.Request |
SetAudioTracks.Response |
SetBrowserSourceProperties |
SetBrowserSourceProperties.Builder |
SetBrowserSourceProperties.Request |
SetBrowserSourceProperties.Response |
SetCurrentProfile |
Set the currently active profile.
SetCurrentProfile.Builder |
SetCurrentProfile.Request |
SetCurrentProfile.Response |
SetCurrentScene |
Switch to the specified scene.
SetCurrentScene.Builder |
SetCurrentScene.Request |
SetCurrentScene.Response |
SetCurrentSceneCollection |
Change the active scene collection.
SetCurrentSceneCollection.Builder |
SetCurrentSceneCollection.Request |
SetCurrentSceneCollection.Response |
SetCurrentTransition |
Set the active transition.
SetCurrentTransition.Builder |
SetCurrentTransition.Request |
SetCurrentTransition.Response |
SetFilenameFormatting |
Set the filename formatting string
SetFilenameFormatting.Builder |
SetFilenameFormatting.Request |
SetFilenameFormatting.Response |
SetHeartbeat |
SetHeartbeat.Builder |
SetHeartbeat.Request |
SetHeartbeat.Response |
SetMediaTime |
Set the timestamp of a media source.
SetMediaTime.Builder |
SetMediaTime.Request |
SetMediaTime.Response |
SetMute |
Sets the mute status of a specified source.
SetMute.Builder |
SetMute.Request |
SetMute.Response |
SetPreviewScene |
Set the active preview scene.
SetPreviewScene.Builder |
SetPreviewScene.Request |
SetPreviewScene.Response |
SetRecordingFolder |
Note: If `SetRecordingFolder` is called while a recording is
in progress, the change won't be applied immediately and will be
effective on the next recording.
SetRecordingFolder.Builder |
SetRecordingFolder.Request |
SetRecordingFolder.Response |
SetSceneItemCrop |
SetSceneItemCrop.Builder |
SetSceneItemCrop.Request |
SetSceneItemCrop.Response |
SetSceneItemPosition |
SetSceneItemPosition.Builder |
SetSceneItemPosition.Request |
SetSceneItemPosition.Response |
SetSceneItemProperties |
Sets the scene specific properties of a source.
SetSceneItemProperties.Builder |
SetSceneItemProperties.Request |
SetSceneItemProperties.Response |
SetSceneItemRender |
Show or hide a specified source item in a specified scene.
SetSceneItemRender.Builder |
SetSceneItemRender.Request |
SetSceneItemRender.Response |
SetSceneItemTransform |
SetSceneItemTransform.Builder |
SetSceneItemTransform.Request |
SetSceneItemTransform.Response |
SetSceneTransitionOverride |
Set a scene to use a specific transition override.
SetSceneTransitionOverride.Builder |
SetSceneTransitionOverride.Request |
SetSceneTransitionOverride.Response |
SetSourceFilterSettings |
Update settings of a filter
SetSourceFilterSettings.Builder |
SetSourceFilterSettings.Request |
SetSourceFilterSettings.Response |
SetSourceFilterVisibility |
Change the visibility/enabled state of a filter
SetSourceFilterVisibility.Builder |
SetSourceFilterVisibility.Request |
SetSourceFilterVisibility.Response |
SetSourceName |
Note: If the new name already exists as a source, obs-websocket will return an error.
SetSourceName.Builder |
SetSourceName.Request |
SetSourceName.Response |
SetSourceSettings |
Set settings of the specified source.
SetSourceSettings.Builder |
SetSourceSettings.Request |
SetSourceSettings.Response |
SetStreamSettings |
Sets one or more attributes of the current streaming server settings.
SetStreamSettings.Builder |
SetStreamSettings.Request |
SetStreamSettings.Response |
SetSyncOffset |
Set the audio sync offset of a specified source.
SetSyncOffset.Builder |
SetSyncOffset.Request |
SetSyncOffset.Response |
SetTBarPosition |
If your code needs to perform multiple successive T-Bar moves (e.g.
SetTBarPosition.Builder |
SetTBarPosition.Request |
SetTBarPosition.Response |
SetTextFreetype2Properties |
Set the current properties of a Text Freetype 2 source.
SetTextFreetype2Properties.Builder |
SetTextFreetype2Properties.Request |
SetTextFreetype2Properties.Response |
SetTextGDIPlusProperties |
Set the current properties of a Text GDI Plus source.
SetTextGDIPlusProperties.Builder |
SetTextGDIPlusProperties.Request |
SetTextGDIPlusProperties.Response |
SetTransitionDuration |
Set the duration of the currently selected transition if supported.
SetTransitionDuration.Builder |
SetTransitionDuration.Request |
SetTransitionDuration.Response |
SetTransitionSettings |
Change the current settings of a transition
SetTransitionSettings.Builder |
SetTransitionSettings.Request |
SetTransitionSettings.Response |
SetVolume |
Set the volume of the specified source.
SetVolume.Builder |
SetVolume.Request |
SetVolume.Response |
Sleep |
Waits for the specified duration.
Sleep.Builder |
Sleep.Request |
Sleep.Response |
SourceAudioActivated |
A source has added audio.
SourceAudioDeactivated |
A source has removed audio.
SourceAudioMixersChanged |
Audio mixer routing changed on a source.
SourceAudioSyncOffsetChanged |
The audio sync offset of a source has changed.
SourceCreated |
A source has been created.
SourceDestroyed |
A source has been destroyed/removed.
SourceFilterAdded |
A filter was added to a source.
SourceFilterRemoved |
A filter was removed from a source.
SourceFiltersReordered |
Filters in a source have been reordered.
SourceFilterVisibilityChanged |
The visibility/enabled state of a filter changed
SourceMuteStateChanged |
A source has been muted or unmuted.
SourceOrderChanged |
Scene items within a scene have been reordered.
SourceRenamed |
A source has been renamed.
SourcesEventListener |
The EventListener for the events that are part of the Sources category.
SourcesRequestSender |
SourceVolumeChanged |
The volume of a source has changed.
StartOutput |
Note: Controlling outputs is an experimental feature of obs-websocket.
StartOutput.Builder |
StartOutput.Request |
StartOutput.Response |
StartRecording |
Start recording.
StartRecording.Builder |
StartRecording.Request |
StartRecording.Response |
StartReplayBuffer |
Start recording into the Replay Buffer.
StartReplayBuffer.Builder |
StartReplayBuffer.Request |
StartReplayBuffer.Response |
StartStopRecording |
Toggle recording on or off (depending on the current recording state).
StartStopRecording.Builder |
StartStopRecording.Request |
StartStopRecording.Response |
StartStopReplayBuffer |
Toggle the Replay Buffer on/off (depending on the current state of the replay buffer).
StartStopReplayBuffer.Builder |
StartStopReplayBuffer.Request |
StartStopReplayBuffer.Response |
StartStopStreaming |
Toggle streaming on or off (depending on the current stream state).
StartStopStreaming.Builder |
StartStopStreaming.Request |
StartStopStreaming.Response |
StartStopVirtualCam |
Toggle virtual cam on or off (depending on the current virtual cam state).
StartStopVirtualCam.Builder |
StartStopVirtualCam.Request |
StartStopVirtualCam.Response |
StartStreaming |
Start streaming.
StartStreaming.Builder |
StartStreaming.Request |
StartStreaming.Response |
StartVirtualCam |
Start virtual cam.
StartVirtualCam.Builder |
StartVirtualCam.Request |
StartVirtualCam.Response |
Status |
Status of the response
StopMedia |
Stop a media source.
StopMedia.Builder |
StopMedia.Request |
StopMedia.Response |
StopOutput |
Note: Controlling outputs is an experimental feature of obs-websocket.
StopOutput.Builder |
StopOutput.Request |
StopOutput.Response |
StopRecording |
Stop recording.
StopRecording.Builder |
StopRecording.Request |
StopRecording.Response |
StopReplayBuffer |
Stop recording into the Replay Buffer.
StopReplayBuffer.Builder |
StopReplayBuffer.Request |
StopReplayBuffer.Response |
StopStreaming |
Stop streaming.
StopStreaming.Builder |
StopStreaming.Request |
StopStreaming.Response |
StopVirtualCam |
Stop virtual cam.
StopVirtualCam.Builder |
StopVirtualCam.Request |
StopVirtualCam.Response |
StreamingEventListener |
The EventListener for the events that are part of the Streaming category.
StreamingRequestSender |
StreamStarted |
Streaming started successfully.
StreamStarting |
A request to start streaming has been issued.
StreamStatus |
Emitted every 2 seconds when stream is active.
StreamStopped |
Streaming stopped successfully.
StreamStopping |
A request to stop streaming has been issued.
StudioModeEventListener |
The EventListener for the events that are part of the Studio mode category.
StudioModeRequestSender |
StudioModeSwitched |
Studio Mode has been enabled or disabled.
SwitchScenes |
Indicates a scene change.
SwitchTransition |
The active transition has been changed.
TakeSourceScreenshot |
At least `embedPictureFormat` or `saveToFilePath` must be specified.
TakeSourceScreenshot.Builder |
TakeSourceScreenshot.Request |
TakeSourceScreenshot.Response |
TextAlignment |
Text Alignment ("left", "center", "right").
TextVerticalAlignment |
Text vertical alignment ("top", "center", "bottom").
TimeUtil |
ToggleMute |
Inverts the mute status of a specified source.
ToggleMute.Builder |
ToggleMute.Request |
ToggleMute.Response |
ToggleStudioMode |
Toggles Studio Mode (depending on the current state of studio mode).
ToggleStudioMode.Builder |
ToggleStudioMode.Request |
ToggleStudioMode.Response |
TransitionBegin |
A transition (other than "cut") has begun.
TransitionDurationChanged |
The active transition duration has been changed.
TransitionEnd |
A transition (other than "cut") has ended.
TransitionListChanged |
The list of available transitions has been modified.
TransitionsEventListener |
The EventListener for the events that are part of the Transitions category.
TransitionsRequestSender |
TransitionToProgram |
Transitions the currently previewed scene to the main output.
TransitionToProgram.Builder |
TransitionToProgram.Request |
TransitionToProgram.Response |
TransitionVideoEnd |
A stinger transition has finished playing its video.
TriggerHotkeyByName |
Executes hotkey routine, identified by hotkey unique name
TriggerHotkeyByName.Builder |
TriggerHotkeyByName.Request |
TriggerHotkeyByName.Response |
TriggerHotkeyBySequence |
Executes hotkey routine, identified by bound combination of keys.
TriggerHotkeyBySequence.Builder |
TriggerHotkeyBySequence.Request |
TriggerHotkeyBySequence.Response |
VirtualCamEventListener |
The EventListener for the events that are part of the Virtual cam category.
VirtualCamRequestSender |
VirtualCamStarted |
Virtual cam started successfully.
VirtualCamStopped |
Virtual cam stopped successfully.